On the “Drop TT” initiative.

As some of you may know, DameDesuYo has signed Daiz’s Drop TokyoTosho manifesto. I would like to clarify our position as it was not included in the document.

DameDesuYo will NOT stop uploading to TT.

I repeat: DameDesuYo will not stop uploading to TT.

However, I feel strongly enough about TT being a shitty content distribution platform that I was willing to put our name on it. In the months since this document first started circulating, TT was made aware almost immediately and, yet, nothing has changed. For a site that relies almost entirely on fansub groups, you’d think they would care about our input.

And, regardless of the technical aspects that make TT a pain to use, the fact remains that traffic from TT is exponentially outweighed by traffic from Nyaa. So there are two options here, I guess. First, no one actually uses TT and all the ruckus is being whipped up by just a few anons or long standing “enemies” of Nyaa. Or, second, the userbase of TT is shockingly non-interactive.

Feel free to voice your opinion in the comments. Who knows, we may someday drop TT for real. But that day is not today.